Introduction To Web And HTML

Introduction To Web And HTML


3 min read

Web Server

A web server is a piece of software which serves web content. When we start a web server it will wait for the incoming requests, it listens to the network port. There are a total of 65,535 ports that software running on the computer can communicate with. The default port for an HTTP request is 80 and for HTTPS it is 443. One computer can have multiple web servers running at the same time. One of the popular web servers is apache.

Apache Web Server

Apache is an open-source web server which processes requests and serves web content and assets via HTTP.

Live Server

By tracking the state of the web page if there is any change it notifies and tracks the state of the change and opens it in the browser.


  • It is formerly known as Zen Coding.

  • It is a set of plugins for text editors which increases the pace of writing structured code and is very helpful in content assistance.


  • HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language and it is the most basic building block of the web.

  • It describes the meaning and structure of web content.

Heading tags

Generally, HTML has six heading tags which range from <h1> to <h6>.

<h1> and <h2>

  • The h1 is the highest level in the heading tag and h6 is the lowest level.

  • h2 is the second highest level in the heading tags.

  • Any web page should contain only one h1 tag.

  • The tag should be written in the body section of the HTML.

  • Let's see an example

Paragraph Tag

The paragraph tag is represented as <p> in HTML. It represents a block of words/statements in a paragraph.


Image Tag

  • The <img> tag embeds an image into the document.

  • We require some mandatory attributes to get a clear understanding and working of the image tag

    src - It contains the actual path of the image where it is stored on the system.

    alt - It displays the text description of the image and helps when there is any issue in the src part. (Accessibility is achieved by this tag).

  • Let's see some more attributes

    height - It specifies the height of the image.

    width - It specifies the width of the image.


    srcset and sizes - These two attributes help us in creating responsive images whereas the srcset attribute points to image URLs and sizes specify image sizes and browser conditions.


    I am not attaching any output because it will be difficult to figure out, the main intention of this attribute is to bring responsiveness to the image. When you resize the tag you can see the responsiveness of the image.

**This is my first article. If there are any mistakes/suggestions you can let me know, I will try to improve and will not commit the same mistakes in my next one.**